It's like, as cute as the Tentanar thats dying right now as you are reading this!!
I know this isn't a picture of the Tentanar, however, you still should save them! by not saving them, you are being a selfish and cruel human being, and it is time for a  change in your lives. Start your own charity today! Or donate to this websites, or a friends. Tentanars once roamed the seas, but now, because of humans, only a couple hundred are left! Every day there are Tentanars dying because of coldness, and scarce food sources. Check out the next page to read more about this serious issue.

Ever since the recent discovery of Tentanars, sadly very few people have either chosen nor cared to study this amazing species. Having first been sighted only the summer of 2011, they have not been completely revealed to the world. Yeah. =(... But experts such as me are beginning to wonder if last summer was truly the dawn of it all...? Because of how rare the sightings and how shy the creatures are, many say that Tentanars have actually been around since the times of our ancestors. Here are a few of the main reasons to believe this:

1) The population. Tentanars are thought to live long lives, based on the information that has been found considering their physical conditions and positions in the food chain. If Tentanars can survive in his way while still managing to have more and more calves, then by now some must be at least 30. But when you look at the math and sciencey stuff, the clues can only lead us in one direction--backwards in time.

2) The Tentanar inhabited islands of the world all appear to be places abandoned by humans long ago--ecxept at some point in time it must be that there were some natives to the land living there, who must have known about this remarkable species. The most profound theory leading to this is an ancient legend written in a foreign language, that I could sort of make out, was found in an old book on a ship.  The legend appeared about a village on a remote island who is so much richer than the rest of the world, that doesn't even know they exist.  Later on in the story, one poor sailor man who was thrown overboard by his crew mates, floats over to this island where a rich family takes him in. Unfortunately, at this point in the story the language became unable to read, and was very water stained. But every now and then there was one letter in a dry spot, in 8, perfect rows--the letters spelled out TENTANAR.

Hello, and welcome to this website. In this blog feel free to comment on anything about this website or Tentanars. Since this website is really bad and won't really get any comments except from the people i tell to comment on it and myself. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............ COMMENTS ARE VERY APPRECIATED. I will be posting things such as important info about the Tentanar and such whenever something new comes up. And lastly which wil be one of the main causes of this site, is to help save the Tentanars. Donate to a charity or send food and fireplaces to cold Tentanars. Stop the attack of starfish on poor creatures. And most importantly, keep learning about this species, and share any info on Tentanar sightings with us. Thank you.


    Hi! My name is Esmé. I like ice cream, narwhals, tentacles, mustaches, candy, tropical places, video games, (especially Legend of Zelda), tendrils, dancing, Cambazola, unicorns, dragons, money, swimming, The Hunger Games, all animals, green and purple and orange, dice, marbles, magic, and lots of other stuff too.


    August 2012

